Gender equality, diversity and inclusion at NIBIO

NIBIO promotes equality, diversity and inclusion. Ensuring a good gender balance and diversity in all subject areas and position types, contributes to increased creativity, quality and relevance of knowledge development.

NIBIO meets the requirements set for us as a research institute and employer when it comes to gender equality, diversity and inclusion. Ensuring a good work environment and being an attractive workplace for our employees is important.

NIBIO aims to have a diverse working environment where everyone is met with respect regardless of their gender, ethnicity, religion, outlook on life, age, functional ability and/or sexual orientation. A diverse group of employees with different backgrounds and disciplines, contributes to NIBIO’s ability to deliver research at a high level, and to solve major societal challenges.

Action plan for equality, diversity and inclusion

NIBIO’s management has adopted an action plan for equality, diversity and inclusion. The action plan contains goals and measures for the period 2022-2025. The aim of the action plan is to facilitate gender equality, promote diversity and prevent discrimination at NIBIO. The plan meets the requirements set for us by the Norwegian authorities, the Research Council of Norway, and the European Commission.

3 prioritized main goals for 2022-2025:

  • To increase the proportion of female employees with Research Professor competence
  • To ensure gender balance in the composition of members for research, professional and development projects
  • To increase the proportion of women in management positions

Earmarked resources

NIBIO's management is responsible for following up the work and the action plan. NIBIO has established a cross-institutional team to drive and promote the institute’s work on equality and diversity. Funds have been set aside for the implementation of training and development measures.

Annual report

The situation at NIBIO as far as diversity and gender equality is concerned, is documented in NIBIO’s annual report. The annual report contains information on gendered data for all position types, shows the effect of the measures in the action plan, and how allocated gender equality funds contribute to goal achievement for diversity and gender equality at NIBIO. NIBIO’s management and elected members of NIBIO’s Cooperation Committee (Samarbeidsutvalget) discuss status quo as far as gender equality is concerned on an annual basis.