Dominika Krzeminska

Head of Department/Head of Research

(+47) 915 98 728

Ås O43

Visiting address
Oluf Thesens vei 43, 1433 Ås


My CVMy publications


I am researcher - modeller and field worker - working in the area of hydrogeology, soil stability, landslides and natural based solutions. 

I am landslide hydrologists (PhD), Environmental Engineer (MSc) and certified EHS specialist (PostGrad). My research are dedicated to natural hazard and disaster analysis, with the focus on soil stability, buffer zone efficiency and the influence of preferential flow paths on landslides hydrology. My main research activities included: hydrogeological site monitoring (field measurements, data collection), data processing (ArcGIS, MatLab, PCRaster, MicrosoftExcel) and modelling (STARWARS, LISEM, BSTEM, PROSYS II), as well as presentation of the findings (orals, posters, technical reports).

Besides the main research I was actively involved in organising workshops, conferences and (on line) intensive courses, creating platform to exchange the knowledge, data and share all kind of experience. This activates made me aware of the importance of proper communication and collaboration between researchers, authorities and stakeholders.

My research and managerial experience comes from participations in several EU funded and international projects: MOUNTAIN-RISKS (2007–2010, FP6), ECOU-PREF (2006-2008), ANR CATTEL TRIGGERLAND (2007-2010) and SAFELAND (2008-2011, FP7), PREDHYPO (2015-2016), RECARE (2014-2018, FP7), BUFFERKLIMA (2017-2019).

Key competences: 

- spatial data analysis and data integration
- monitoring and analysing of hydrological systems (field and laboratory measurements campaign)
- data processing (ArcGIS, MatLab, MicrosoftExcel)
- scripting (PCRaster, FORTRAN)
- presentation (oral and poster)
- technical reports
- academic writing
- project management

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Rapporten gir en oversikt over NIBIO sine aktiviteter i AdaptaN II prosjektet gjennomført i samarbeid med tsjekkiske partnere. NIBIO har bidratt med vurdering av erosjonsrisiko og modellering av erosjonstiltak for klimatilpasning på jordbruksarealer for et nedbørfelt i Větřkovice i Moravian – Silesian Region i Tsjekkia. Delrapport 1 gir en oversikt over aktuelle erosjonstiltak i bruk i Norge samt regelverk, støtteordninger og subsidier for miljøtiltak. Delrapport 2 gir en oversikt over viktige faktorer ved vurdering av erosjonsrisiko og resultat fra modellering av utvalgte erosjonstiltak, spesielt vegetasjonssoner og grasdekte vannveier for studieområdet i Tsjekkia.


Denne rapporten gir en oversikt over NIBIO sine aktiviteter i AdaptaN II prosjektet gjennomført i samarbeid med tsjekkiske partnere. NIBIO har bidratt med vurdering av erosjonsrisiko og modellering av erosjonstiltak for klimatilpasning på jordbruksarealer for et nedbørfelt i Větřkovice i Moravian – Silesian Region i Tsjekkia. Delrapport 1 gir en oversikt over aktuelle erosjonstiltak i bruk i Norge samt regelverk, støtteordninger og subsidier for miljøtiltak. Delrapport 2 gir en oversikt over faktorer ved vurdering av erosjonsrisiko og resultat fra modellering av utvalgte erosjonstiltak, spesielt vegetasjonssoner og grasdekte vannveier for studieområdet i Tsjekkia.


Constructed wetlands (CWs) are a widely recognised measure for reducing pollution loads and improving the quality of surface waters. The removal efficiency of CWs varies considerably depending on system type and design as well as residence time, hydraulic load, particles and nutrient loading rates. Therefore, there is a need to closely monitor the efficiency of existing measures, look at their efficiency in practice and be able to foresee potential implications for their efficiency in light of climate change and land management intensification. This study presents 18 years of data from a typical Norwegian small CW established in the Skuterud catchment. The main objective of this study was to look at the impact of hydraulic load, particles and nutrient loads (depending on climatic factors such as temperature and precipitation) on CW effectiveness. The results showed an average of 39 % and 22 % annual removal efficiency for sediment and phosphorus, respectively. It appears that good CW effectiveness coincides with a combination of high sediment or phosphorus loads to the CW and a stable runoff of low to moderate intensity. At the seasonal level, the highest sediment and phosphorus removal efficiency is observed in the summer seasons (47% for sediment and 29% for phosphorus), when the sediment and phosphorus loads and runoff are at their lowest, and the lowest in autumn (23% for sediment) and in winter (4% for phosphorus). The relationship between removal efficiency and loads to the CW is not that straightforward, as other seasonal differences, such as erosion patterns, vegetation development, also become important. The conclusion based on the results presented is that establishing CWs can be a good supplement to best management practice in erosion-prone catchments with sensitive recipients.


The occurrence of freeze–thaw cycles modifies water infiltration processes and surface runoff generation. Related processes are complex and are not yet fully investigated at field scale. While local weather conditions and soil management practices are the most important factors in both runoff generation and surface erosion processes, local terrain heterogeneities may significantly influence soil erosion processes in catchments with undulating terrain. This paper presents a field-based investigation of spatial and temporal heterogeneities in subsurface soil moisture and soil temperature associated with freezing, thawing, and snowmelt infiltration. The field setup consists of a combination of traditional point measurements performed with frequency domain reflectometry (FDR) and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT). The transect was approximately 70 m long and spanned an entire depression with a north-facing slope (average slope of 11.5%) and a south-facing slope (average slope of 9.7%). The whole depression was entirely covered with stubble. Observed resistivity patterns correspond well to the measured soil moisture patterns. During the observation period, the north facing slope froze earlier and deeper compared with the south facing slope. Freeze–thaw cycles were less pronounced in the north-facing slope than in the south-facing slope. There were also differences in soil temperature and soil moisture patterns between lower and upper parts of the monitored depression. These indicate that initiation and development of runoff related processes, and consequently soil erosion, in regions with freeze–thaw cycles may differ significantly depending on local terrain characteristics. Consequently, it indicates that spatial terrain heterogeneities, especially slope aspects, may be important when studying soil erosion processes, water flow and nutrient leaching in lowlands where patchy snowpacks and dynamic freeze–thaw cycles are predominating.

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Only a few studies have quantified and measured ecosystem services (ES) specifically related to soil. To address this gap, we have developed and applied a methodology to assess changes in ecosystem services, based on measured or estimated soil property changes that were stimulated by soil management measures (e.g., mulching, terracing, no-till). We applied the ES assessment methodology in 16 case study sites across Europe representing a high diversity of soil threats and land use systems. Various prevention and remediation measures were trialled, and the changes in manageable soil and other natural capital properties were measured and quantified. An Excel tool facilitated data collection, calculation of changes in ecosystem services, and visualization of measured short-term changes and estimated long-term changes at plot level and for the wider area. With this methodology, we were able to successfully collect and compare data on the impact of land management on 15 different ecosystem services from 26 different measures. Overall, the results are positive in terms of the impacts of the trialled measures on ecosystem services, with 18 out of 26 measures having no decrease in any service at the plot level. Although methodological challenges remain, the ES assessment was shown to be a comprehensive evaluation of the impacts of the trialled measures, and also served as an input to a stakeholder valuation of ecosystem services at local and sub-national levels.

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The hydrological processes associated with vegetation and their effect on slope stability are complex and so difficult to quantify, especially because of their transient effects (e.g. changes throughout the vegetation life cycle). Additionally, there is very limited amount of field based research focusing on investigation of coupled hydrological and mechanical influence of vegetation on stream bank behavior, accounting for both seasonal time scale and different vegetation types, and none dedicated to marine clay soils (typically soil type for Norway). In order to fill this gap we established hydrological and mechanical monitoring of selected test plots within a stream bank, covered with different types of vegetation, typical for Norwegian agricultural areas (grass, shrubs and trees). The soil moisture, groundwater level and stream water level were continuously monitored. Additionally, soil porosity and shear strength were measured regularly. Observed hydrological trends and differences between three plots (grass, tree and shrub) were analysed and formed the input base for stream bank stability modeling. We did not find particular differences between the grass and shrub plot but we did observe a significantly lower soil moisture content, lower soil porosity and higher shear strength within the tree plot. All three plots were stable during the monitoring period, however modeling scenarios made it possible to analyse potential differences in stream bank stability under different vegetation cover depending on root reinforcement and slope angle.

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Soils are vital for supporting food security and other ecosystem services. Climate change can affect soil functions both directly and indirectly. Direct effects include temperature, precipitation, and moisture regime changes. Indirect effects include those that are induced by adaptations such as irrigation, crop rotation changes, and tillage practices. Although extensive knowledge is available on the direct effects, an understanding of the indirect effects of agricultural adaptation options is less complete. A review of 20 agricultural adaptation case‐studies across Europe was conducted to assess implications to soil threats and soil functions and the link to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The major findings are as follows: (a) adaptation options reflect local conditions; (b) reduced soil erosion threats and increased soil organic carbon are expected, although compaction may increase in some areas; (c) most adaptation options are anticipated to improve the soil functions of food and biomass production, soil organic carbon storage, and storing, filtering, transforming, and recycling capacities, whereas possible implications for soil biodiversity are largely unknown; and (d) the linkage between soil functions and the SDGs implies improvements to SDG 2 (achieving food security and promoting sustainable agriculture) and SDG 13 (taking action on climate change), whereas the relationship to SDG 15 (using terrestrial ecosystems sustainably) is largely unknown. The conclusion is drawn that agricultural adaptation options, even when focused on increasing yields, have the potential to outweigh the negative direct effects of climate change on soil degradation in many European regions.

To document


This study presents a specifically designed Mercury module in a coupled benthic-pelagic reactive-transport model - Bottom RedOx Model (BROM) that allows to study mercury (Hg) biogeochemistry under different conditions. This module considers the transformation of elemental mercury (Hg(0)), divalent mercury (Hg(II)) and methylmercury (MeHg). The behavior of mercury species in the model is interconnected with changes of oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, iron oxides, organic matter, and biota. We simulated the transformation and transport of Hg species in the water column and upper sediment layer under five different scenarios, combining various levels of oxygenation and trophic state in the Berre lagoon, a shallow eutrophic lagoon of the French Mediterranean coast subjected to seasonal anoxia. The first scenario represents the conditions in the lagoon that are compared with experimental data. The four other scenarios were produced by varying the biological productivity, using low and high nutrient (N and P) concentrations, and by varying the redox conditions using different intensity of vertical mixing in the water column. The results of the simulation show that both oxidized and reduced sediments can accumulate Hg, but any shifts in redox conditions in bottom water and upper sediment layer lead to the release of Hg species into the water column. Eutrophication and/or restricted vertical mixing lead to reducing conditions and intensify MeHg formation in the sediment with periodic release to the water column. Oxygenation of an anoxic water body can lead to the appearance of Hg species in the water column and uptake by organisms, whereby Hg may enter into the food web. The comparison of studied scenarios shows that a well-oxygenated eutrophic system favors the conditions for Hg species bioaccumulation with a potential adverse effect on the ecosystem. The research is relevant to the UN Minimata convention, EU policies on water, environmental quality standards and Mercury in particular.


Mørdre nedbørfelt er en del av Program for jord- og vannovervåking i landbruket (JOVA) som rapporterer årlig om jordbruksdrift, avrenning og tap av partikler, næringsstoffer og plantevernmidler. I perioden fra 2010 til 2016 ble det observert de høye tap av fosfor i Mørdre-feltet. Denne rapporten presenterer en analyse av en lang tidsserie av observerte data for avrenning, suspendert sediment og fosfor tap som tar sikte på å undersøke årsakene til høye fosfortap samt eventuelt identifisere en permanent endring. Utfordringen er: (1) tidsavhengighet, (2) sammenkobling mellom prosessene i nedbørfelt og (3) nøyaktig informasjon om all aktiviteter i nedbørfeltet. Disse kan ikke identifiseres direkte fra gjeldende datasett. Forfattere identifiserte komplementære målinger og / eller tiltak som tar sikte på å undersøke og forstå vannets veier og transportprosesser for sediment og næringsstoffer i nedbørfeltet, og omfatter undersøkelser koblet til ekstreme hendelser.